Green Social Energy generated in your Neighbourhood
Can you imagine it?… Shall we roll our sleeves?

The Sunon has been conceived in order to fulfil several necessities that have been emerging along these lasts decades and in parallel to the development of both, the new communication technologies and the solar energy technologies. The first needs are of economical nature, the second ones are of social one, and the third ones are environmental.
The Energy Sovereignty at our reach
Economical Needs
The economical needs due to the current difficulty in managing the essential resources for the civilised life. In this initiative, there is the intention amongst others, to resolve the energy poverty that affects thousands of families. There is a National Insurance system that guaranties the medical attention in our country, and this differentiates us from the extreme economic liberalism. Nevertheless, with the electricity those minimums are not met, the electricity networks, the infrastructure, belongs to an oligopoly in our country, which in the past used to be of public ownership. The electricity marketing was placed in the open market, whereas the distribution was not. The commercial companies find themselves threaten by energy cuts by the distribution company, with little tools to defend themselves, other than ridiculous economical indemnifications The administration bodies that are there to watch them, they cannot cope efficiently enough with the amount of complaints sent to them. Ex governors get inside the Board of Directors and use the natural resources and their influences to keep on running the country, and there are no laws that protect us from lobbies and friends clubs. We are perpetuated to the dependency, to the raise of prices, the energy poverty and cuts, and all of this, institutionalised by an economic and legal system that needs urgent review.
Environmental Needs
The environmental needs are behind the necessity of getting the cars with polluting fuel out of the cities and to give an affordable and manageable option, another incentive for less environmental pollution. At the same time, those polluters have detrimental effects against health. It is intended to achieve greener cities, much cleaner, more organic and healthier, better organised, managed and fairer.
Social Needs
The social needs have emerged with the proliferation of many cooperatives, some are energy ones, that work together to achieve the energy independence and sovereignty. As time passes, the perception evolves that the citizens have the right of manage their own natural resources, their culture, their land, to be part of social enterprises, to be part in the construction of their future, and that the blind obedience by itself, is no longer the way, but the social agreement of smaller collectives.
With the Sunon project, the aim is the energy sovereignty for each neighbourhood, in order to break monopolies, to scare off dysfunction, to help guaranty a civilised life, where no energetic poverty exists, and also to make a step forward towards the city of the future, a clean and sustainable city, prepared for the new consumption.
Sustainable Economy
Economy controlled by the beneficiaries themselves, the neighbours of each neighbourhood, without any foreign impositions.
Searching other ways of Production and Consumption, more autonomous, that can be maintained locally, enriching the neighbourhoods economies. Taking responsibility for the own consumption, through the empirical education and management.
Social Welfare
The electricity is an essential need in the civilised world, as important as being able to visit the doctor. Not states, nor businesses can be guarantors, only Social Agreements in between Real People who can Look into Each other‘s Eyes.
Building according a set of Social Guaranties proportioned by the proximity of the Councils.
Respect for the Environment
The photovoltaic panels capture the light of the sun, which is a natural and free source, to convert it later on in clean electric energy and a proximity distance, without many losses of transportation.
Taking advantage of the technology, the decreasing cost of materials and the constant knowledge innovation for a new culture of respect and efficiency.