How are we building it all of us?

Source: Fine Art collection “The Flowers of Sunon” by Núria Cariad. Exhibited at Fy n’Ghariad Gallery in Barcelona until February the 25th, 2025.


Source: https://www.elcritic.cat/reportatges/el-mapa-de-energia-publica-a-catalunya-222127


Source: https://www.elcritic.cat/reportatges/el-mapa-de-energia-publica-a-catalunya-222127


Source: Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria d’Innovació, Indústria, Comerç i Turisme: Valencian Community Strategy of reindustrialitzation 2024-2028


Source: Fine Art collection “The Flowers of Sunon” by Núria Cariad. Exhibited at Fy n’Ghariad Gallery in Barcelona until February the 25th, 2025.


Source: “Full de Ruta cap a la Soberanía Energètica al país Valencià”: authors Lluís Pascual and Sara Romero of La Directa, February, the 17th, 2022:



La Directa /directa.cat    

Mercedes Sánchez / @mercedes_sa      

Sara Romero 


Source: https://amep.cat/per-que-esnecessaria-lamep/associacio-de-municipis-i-entitats/


“Una nova cultura de l’energia pública”

Author: Jordi Bigues. April 2023

Source: https://amep.cat/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/AMEP_estudi_nova_cultura_energia_publica_Bigues_vd.pdf

“Estudi de Dret Comparat: les xarxes de Distribució Públiques a la Unió Europea”

Author: Schlaich Dauss, SLP. March 2023

Source: https://amep.cat/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/AMEP_estudi_juridic_xarxa_publica_DAUSS_vd.pdf

“Propuesta normativa para establecer la metodología para el cálculo de la retribución de la actividad de distribución de energía eléctrica por las obligaciones y funciones relativas al autoconsumo”

Author: Bassas – Perez Energy Law. May 2024

Source: https://amep.cat/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/IBEL_informe_autoconsumo_Amep_2024_vd.pdf

“Assessorament jurídic sobre la contractació pública o auto-provisió dels ens locals, d’electricitat i altres serveis d’energia elèctrica renovable. Viabilitat, fonamentació jurídica, requisits legals i procediment a seguir, per constituir o incorporar-se a un ens públic que esdevingui mitjà propi dels ens locals.”

Author: Toda i Nel.lo. May 2024.

Source: https://amep.cat/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/AMEP_estudi_mitja_propi_Nelo_vd.pdf

DECLARATION OF GIRONA, December, the 12th, 2024

Measures that they compromise to adopt to achieve a distribution network of public electricity: https://amep.cat/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Declaracio_Girona_Xarxa_Publica_Amep_v5-2.pdf


Asociación Nacional de Autoconsumidores

Associació Catalana d’Enginyeria Sense Fronteres

Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya

Xarxa de Ciutats i Pobles cap a la Sostenibilitat

Diputació de Girona

Agramunt (Lleida): 5.529 people (census 2023)

Aitona (Lleida): 2.575 people (census 2023)

Altafulla (Tarragona): 5.809 people (census 2023)

Argençola (Barcelona): 241 people (census 2023)

Artés (Barcelona): 6.051 people (census 2023)

Avià (Barcelona): 2.242 people (census 2023)

Balaguer(Lleida): 17.597 people (census 2023)

Barberà del Vallès (Barcelona): 33.644 people (census 2023)

Barcelona (Barcelona): 1.686.208 people (census 2023)

Pèrgola Ronda de Dalt

Passeig de Vall d’Hebron 103, Barcelona. Potency installed 43,25 kWp, that generate 54.063 kWh/year. 5% for municipal supply (2,25kWp), 30% for Barcelona’s Social Rights (13kWp for 26 consumers) and 65% for public call (28kWp for 56 consumers).

Pèrgola Alfonso Comín

At the Plaça Alfons Comín, Barcelona. Potency installed 30,400 kWh/year. 6,25% for municipal supply (1,5kWp), 31,25% for the Area of Barcelona’s Socials Rights (7,5kWp for 15 consumers) and 62,5% for public call (15kWp for 30 consumers).


Barcelona Energia

It’s mission is to contribute to the transition towards a sustainable energetic model promoting self consumption,100% renewable energy and a proximity service.

It supplies electricity to municipal buildings and equipments of Barcelona’s Council. Since 2019 it also offers services to the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, to citizens as well, and businesses of Barcelona and AMB.

It is managed by TERSA, a public business of environmental services. 

The values they defend are Sustainability, Proximity, Transparency and Innovation. Empowerment of citizenship through Citizens participation in the Board of decision making.

 La Fàbrica del Sol

Is a show building that explains the transition towards the energetic sovereignty and the transition from the fossil energies to the renewable ones.

They explain the environmental solutions in the building and in other public equipments, also the municipal policies that promote these environmental solutions and which strategies can we take to live in a more sustainable way. They want to empower the citizens to become part of the change towards sustainability.

Bellpuig (Lleida): 1.186 people (census 2023)

Cabrera d’Anoia (Barcelona): 1.712 people (census 2023)

Cardedeu (Barcelona): 19.091 people (census 2023)

Carme (Barcelona): 819 people (census 2023)

Casserres (Barcelona): 1.675 people (census 2023)

Castellbisbal (Barcelona): 12.965 people (census 2023)

Castelló d’Empúries (Girona): 12.132 people (census 2023)

Castelló de Farfanya (Lleida): 543 people (census 2023)

Celrà (Girona): 5.553 people (census 2023)

Deltebre (Tarragona): 11.941 people (census 2023)

El Masnou (Barcelona): 24.444 people (census 2023)

El Palau d’Anglesola (Lleida): 2.185 people (census 2023)

El Papiol (Barcelona): 4.358 people (census 2023)

El Pla del Penedès (Barcelona): 1.352 people (census 2023)

El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona): 65.910 people (census 2023)

Espluga de Francolí (Tarragona): 3.850 people (census 2023)

Flix (Tarragona): 3.323 people (census 2023)

Fogars de la Selva (Barcelona): 1.678 people (census 2023)

Gelida (Barcelona): 8.078 people (census 2023)

Girona (Girona): 106.476 people (census 2023)

Hostalric (Girona): 4.443 people (census 2023)

L’Espluga de Francolí (Tarragona): 3.850 people (census 2023)

La Garriga (Barcelona): 17.277 people (census 2023)

La Pera (Girona): 452 people (census 2023)

La Pobla de Montornès (Tarragona)

La Vall d’en Bas (Girona): 3.221 people (census 2023)

Les Avellanes i Santa Linya (Lleida): 444 people (census 2023)

Lladurs (Lleida): 185 people (census 2023)

Llagostera (Girona): 9.486 people (census 2023)

Lleida (Lleida): 142.990 people (census 2023)

Maldà (Lleida): 242 people (census 2023)

Malgrat de Mar (Barcelona): 19.270 people (census 2023)

Manresa (Barcelona): 79.737 people (census 2023)

Mediona (Barcelona): 2.632 people (census 2023)

Menàrguens (Lleida): 774 people (census 2023)

Monistrol de Calders (Barcelona): 762 people (census 2023)

Montornès del Vallès (Barcelona): 17.039 people (census 2023)

Navàs (Barcelona): 6.183 people (census 2023)

Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona): 24.703 people (census 2023)

Olost (Barcelona): 1.213 people (census 2023)

Olvan (Barcelona): 910 people (census 2023)

Orís (Barcelona): 349 people (census 2023)

Palau de Santa Eulàlia (Girona): 136 people (census 2023)

Palau-Solità i Plegamans (Barcelona): 15.444 people (census 2023)

Poboleda (Tarragona): 333 people (census 2023)

Ponts (Lledia): 2.684 people (census 2023)

Puigpelat (Tarragona): 1.208 people (census 2023)

Pujalt (Barcelona): 212 people (census 2023)

Ripollet (Barcelona): 39.430 people (census 2023)

Riudoms (Tarragona): 6.954 people (census 2023)

Roda de Ter (Barcelona): 6.883 people (census 2023)

Rubí (Barcelona): 81.523 people (census 2023)

Saldes (Barcelona): 300 people (census 2023)

Salou (Tarragona): 30,442 people (census 2023)

Salt (Girona): 33.946 people (census 2023)

Sant Celoni (Barcelona): 18.708 people (census 2023)

Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona): 98.649 people (census 2023)

Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues (Barcelona): 1.028 people (census 2023)

Sant Esteve de Palautordera (Barcelona): 3.081 people (census 2023)

Sant Fost de Campsentelles (Barcelona)

Sant Fruitós de Bages (Barcelona): 9.225 people (census 2023)

Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà (Barcelona): 3.684 people (census 2023)

Sant Jaume dels Domenys (Tarragona): 3.671 people (census 2023)

Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona): 20.815 people (census 2023)

Sant Llorenç de Morunys (Lleida): 1.002 people (census 2023)

Sant Martí de Tous (Barcelona): 1.272 people (census 2023)

Sant Miquel de Campmajor (Girona): 250 people (census 2023)

Santpedor (Barcelona): 7.707 people (census 2023)

Sant Pere de Ribes (Barcelona): 32.006 people (census 2023)

Sant Pere de Torelló (Barcelona): 2.596 people (census 2023)

Sant Pol de Mar (Barcelona): 5.810 people (census 2023)

Sant Quintí de Mediona (Barcelona): 2.511 people (census 2023)

Sant Quirze de Besora (Barcelona): 2.127 people (census 2023)

Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona): 20.110 people (census 2023)

Santa Coloma de Queralt (Tarragona): 2.823 people (census 2023)

Santa Eugènia de Berga (Barcelona): 2.300 people (census 2023)

Santa Maria de Palautordera (Barcelona): 9.994 people (census 2023)

Santa Oliva (Tarragona): 3.679 people (census 2023)

Santa Perpètua de Mogoda (Barcelona): 25.936 people (census 2023)

Senan (Tarragona): 46 people (census 2023)

Sentmenat (Barcelona): 9.523 people (census 2023)

Sitges (Barcelona): 32.496 people (census 2023)

Sobremunt (Barcelona): 101 people (census 2023)

Talarn (Lleida): 590 people (census 2023)

Taradell (Barcelona): 6.828 people (census 2023)

Tarragona (Tarragona): 141.018 people (census 2023)

Tàrrega (Lleida): 18.189 people (census 2023)

Terrassa (Barcelona): 228.294 people (census 2023)

Tona (Barcelona): 8.499 people (census 2023)

Torelló (Barcelona): 15.107 people (census 2023)

Tornabous (Lleida): 849 people (census 2023)

Torrebesses (Lleida): 297 people (census 2023)

Torrelles de Llobregat (Barcelona): 6.136 people (census 2023)

Tremp (Lleida): 5.991 people (census 2023)

Ullastrell (Girona)

Ulldemolins (Tarragona): 414 people (census 2023) persones (cens 2023)

Vacarisses (Barcelona): 7.549 people (census 2023)

Vallbona d’Anoia (Barcelona): 1.405 people (census 2023)

Valldoreix (Barcelona)

Verges (Girona): 1.180 people (census 2023)

Vilablareix (Girona): 3.772 people (census 2023)

Vilada (Barcelona): 443 people (census 2023)

Viladamat (Girona): 492 people (census 2023)

Viladecavalls (Barcelona): 7.790 people (census 2023)

Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona): 41.541 people (census 2023)

Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona): 70.293 people (census 2023)

Vilassar de Dalt (Barcelona): 21.169 people (census 2023)





Source: https://lenergetica.cat/

Public company, participated 100% by the Generalitat of Catalonia, approved at the Parliament of Catalonia by a majority of 85% on July, the 8th, 2021, and created in October, 2022.




-In process: Distribution (the Parliament of Catalonia has entrusted l’Energètica to assume functions of electric distribution to give support  to the municipal distribution networks and to facilitate the access of the renewables projects in the network). In process the modification of the Social Bylaws. ATTENTION!: CHANGE OF PARADIGM! Distribution is: construction, operation and care of the medium and low tension lines that supply electricity to final users.





CLEAN ENERGY: Generation and Supply of solar, wind or hydraulic energy for the public services of Catalonia for 2050.

ENERGY SOVEREIGNTY: Consume clean energy in proximity to kilometer 0. Acting on the electrification of consumption, electric mobility with installation of recharging points, storage of energy, and development of new models of management, like the energy communities or the aggregation of energy so that different energetic models can move forward.

TERRITORIAL EQUILIBRIUM: Production of local energy, decentralised and participated that guaranties social cohesion and territorial equilibrium. Dialogue and agreements with the councils. Priority is using spaces already HUMANISED or DEGRADED when placing new energy installations.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Surpluses of public buildings, destined to provide electric energy to vulnerable families in a radius of 2 Km (what the law states) so that they do not have to renounce to the social bonus.




Source: Fine Art collection “The Flowers of Sunon” by Núria Cariad. Exhibited at Fy n’Ghariad Gallery in Barcelona until February the 25th, 2025.

Des del camp de Design Futures iniciem un diàleg entre el Nostre Present i el Futur que Volem.